Unleashing the Power of Littlewood’s Theorem: A Breakthrough in Mathematical Inequality

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Are you struggling to grasp the intricacies of Littlewood’s 1925 bound on coefficients in the Bieberbach conjecture? Do you need help navigating the proof of Theorem 151 using Littlewood’s integral inequality?

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In 1925 Littlewood proved a different, looser bound. While Bieberbach conjectured that each coefficient is bound above by its index (\(|a_{n}|\leq n\)), Littlewood proved that for all \(n\), \(|a_{n}|\leq e\,n\).

**Theorem 151**.: _Let \(f(z)\in S\). Then \(|a_{n}|


: The proof depends on Littlewood’s integral inequality [20] which is: for \(f\in S\)

\[\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}|f(re^{i\theta}|d\theta\leq\frac{r}{1-r}\quad 0 \leq r<1.\]

Using Cauchy’s integral formula,

\[|a_{n}|=\left|\frac{f^{(n)}(0)}{n!}\right|=\left|\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{|z|=r} \frac{f(z)}{z^{n+1}}\ dz\right|,\qquad r<1.\]

Changing \(z=re^{i\theta}\) and using Littlewood’s integral inequality we obtain

\[|a_{n}|=\left|\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}\frac{f(re^{i\theta})}{r^{n}\cdot e ^{in\theta}}\ dz\right|\leq\frac{1}{2\pi r^{n}}\int_{0}^{2\pi}\left|f(re^{i \theta})\right|d\theta\leq\frac{1}{r^{n}}\frac{r}{1-r}.\]



To find the minimum value for \(|a_{n}|\), we maximize \(h(r)=(1-r)r^{n-1}\) in \([0,1]\). From


we see the maximum attained when \(r=1-\frac{1}{n}\). Therefore



## Bibliography

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absolute convergence, 58 accumulation point of a set, 67 algebraic number, 22, 29 almost everywhere, 250 angle between curves, 315 annulus, 280 Archimedean property, 33 arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, 154 Arzela-Ascoli theorem, 144 axiom of choice, 18 axiom of completeness, 30 Cantor-Lebesgue function, 252, 254 Cantor’s diagonalization, 15 Cantor set, 77, 120 cardinality, 10 Cauchy condensation test, 57 Cauchy criterion, 50 Cauchy initial value problem, 183 Cauchy-Riemann equations, 290 Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 152, Cauchy sequence, 49, 134 Cauchy’s formula for derivatives, 353 Cauchy’s functional equation, 215 Cauchy’s inequality, 354 Cauchy’s integral formula, 350 Cauchy’s theorem, 338 Cesaro sums, 233 characteristic function, 243 closed ball, 131 closure, 68 compact set, 70, 93, 143 comparison test, 59 complete metric space, 135 completeness, 30 complex exponential function, 298 complex fundamental theorem of calculus, 334 complex inner product, 149 complex logarithmic function, 307 complex numbers, 277complex sequence, 53 conformal mapping, 315 connected sets, 75 continuous function, 87 continuum hypothesis, 15 contour, 338 contraction mapping, 175 contraction mapping theorem, 175 convergent sequence, 39, 134 convex functions, 221 convolution, 236 countable, 12 countably infinite, 12

d’Alembert’s wave equation, 223 deformation, 339 de Moivre’s formula, 285 De Morgan’s Laws, 21, 145 dense, 33, 35, 121 differentiable function, 98 Dini’s theorem, 197 Dirichlet formula, 232 Dirichlet function, 89, 112, 113, 241, 242 Dirichlet kernel, 231 Dirichlet problem, 320 Dirichlet test, 199 disk of convergence, 297 divergence test, 56 dominated convergence theorem, 268

Egorov’s theorem, 252 entire functions, 298, 352 equicontinuous, 98, 144 equivalence class, 17 equivalence relation, 17 essential singularity, 364 Euler’s formula, 279 exponential function, 304 extreme value theorem, 93

Fatou lemma, 264 Fejer kernel, 233 Fibonacci sequence, 38 field axioms, 25 finite intersection property, 74 fixed point, 174 Fourier coefficients, 226 Fourier series, 226 Fourier transform, 235 Frechet metric, 162 fractional dimension, 81 Fredholm integral equation, 185 Frobenius norm, 166 Fubini’s theorem, 236 function bijective, 7 holomorphic, 289 measurable, 247 one-to-one, 21, 104, 105 step, 124 surjective, 6 functional equations, 213 fundamental theorem of algebra, 284, 352 fundamental theorem of calculus, 117, 119 gamma function, 213 Gauss’ mean value theorem, 358 geometric series, 56 Gram-Schmidt procedure, 157 greatest lower bound, 31 Green’s theorem, 337 Hadamard’s formula, 297 Hamel basis, 217, 222 harmonic, 321 harmonic series, 57 Hausdorff maximality principle, 20 Heine-Borel theorem, 73 Hilbert space, 161 Holder’s Inequality, 129 holomorphic function, 290 homotopic, 339 identity map, 7 induction proof, 8 infinite series, 55 inner product, 150 inner product space, 147integral

Lebesgue, 255

Riemann, 124

integral equations, 185

integration along paths, 331

interior of a set, 68

interior point, 65

intermediate value theorem, 96

intermediate value theorem for

integrals, 116

inverse function theorem, 104, 108

isolated point of a set, 67

isolated singularity, 364

isometric, 137

jacobian, 292

Jensen’s equation, 219

Jordan curve theorem, 338

kernel, 185

Koebe function, 376

Koebe\(\frac{1}{4}\) – theorem, 380

Lagrange’s identity, 289

Laplace’s equation, 320

Laplacian, 237

Laurent series, 359

least upper bound, 30

Lebesgue criterion, 120

Theorem 151



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