Unleashing the Power of the Maximum Modulus Theorem: A Step-by-Step Guide to Solving Complex Polynomials

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The function \(f(z)\) is a polynomial and thus holomorphic on the region defined by \(|z|\leq 2\). By the maximum modulus theorem its maximum occurs on the boundary \(|z|=2\). Then from \(|2z+5i|^{2}=4|z|^{2}+20\text{Im}(z)+25\), and \(|z|=2\) we get


As \(z=x+iy\), and \(|\text{Im}(\,z)|\leq|z|=2\), \(\text{Im}(z)\) attains its maximum at the point \(z=2i\). Thus,

\[\max_{|z|\leq 2}|2z+5i|=\sqrt{81}=9.\]

### 38 Schwarz’ Lemma

The maximum modulus principle is a powerful tool for obtaining bounds for the size of holomorphic, non-constant functions. There is a simple but important consequence of the maximum modulus theorem called Schwarz’ lemma.

**Lemma 17**.: _Let \(f\) be holomorphic in the unit disc \(\mathbb{D}(0,1)\), with \(f(0)=0\) and \(|f(z)|<1\) in \(\mathbb{D}(0,1)\), Then, \(|f^{\prime}(0)|\leq 1\) and \(|f(z)|\leq|z|\) in \(\mathbb{D}(0,1)\). Strict inequality holds in both estimates unless \(f\) is a rotation of the disc: \(f(z)=e^{i\theta}z\)._

For the proof of the Schwarz Lemma, we refer the reader to [5], pp. 135-136. Ahlfors gave a generalization of the proof of Schwarz’s lemma in terms of curvature of the metric [4]. This extended proof can be thought of as a starting point of an area in complex analysis called Geometric Function Theory (GFT). To learn more about GFT consult [34].

## Exercises

1. Show that

\[\int_{\gamma}\frac{\cos z}{z(z^{2}+1)}\ dz=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}2\pi i(1- \cos i)&\gamma:|z|=3,\\ \\ 2\pi i&\gamma:|z|=\frac{1}{3},\\ \\ 0&\gamma:|z-1|=\frac{1}{3}.\end{array}\right.\]

2. Let \(M\geq 0\) and let \(f\) be an entire function such that \(|f(z)|\leq M\) for all \(z\in\mathbb{C}\). Show that \(f\) is constant.

3. Show the following identities:

\[\mbox{i.} \int_{|z|=2}\frac{9z^{2}-iz+4}{z(z^{2}+1)}\ dz=18\pi i,\] \[\mbox{ii.} \int_{\gamma}\frac{e^{3z}+3\cosh z}{\left(z-\frac{i\pi}{2} \right)^{4}}\ dz=8\pi.\]

where \(\gamma\) is a simple closed contour containing \(\frac{i\pi}{2}\) in its interior.

4. Prove that every polynomial equation \(p(z)=a_{0}+a_{1}z+\cdots+a_{n}z^{n}=0\) with degree \(n\geq 1\) and \(a_{n}\neq 0\) has exactly \(n\) roots.

5. Prove that if \(f(z)\) is holomorphic inside and on a circle \(\gamma\) with center \(a\) and radius \(r\), then \(f(a)\) is the mean of the values of \(f(z)\) on \(\mathbb{C}\),

\[\mbox{i.e.,}\ \ \ f(a)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}f(a+re^{it})\,dt.\]

(This is called _Gauss’ Mean Value Theorem_.)

6. Suppose \(f\) is holomorphic inside and on a positively oriented contour \(\gamma\). Let \(a\) lie inside \(\gamma\). Show that \(f^{\prime}(a)\) exists and \(f^{\prime}(a)=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int\frac{f(w)}{(w-a)^{2}}\,dw\).

(Hint: Use Cauchy’s integral formula and show that

\[\left|\frac{f(a+h)-f(a)}{h}-\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int\frac{f(w)}{(w-a)^{2}}\,dw \right|\longrightarrow 0\]

as \(h\longrightarrow 0\).)Let \(f(z)\) be entire and let \(|f(z)|\geq 1\) on the whole complex plane. Prove that \(f\) is constant.

8. Let \(f\) be continuous on a region \(A\) and holomorphic on \(A\setminus\{z_{0}\}\) for a point \(z_{0}\in A\). Show that \(f\) is holomorphic on \(A\).

9. Show that if \(F\) is holomorphic on \(A\), then so is \(f\) where \(f(z)=\dfrac{F(z)-F(z_{0})}{z-z_{0}}\), if \(z\neq z_{0}\) and \(f(z_{0})=F^{\prime}(z_{0})\) where \(z_{0}\) is some point in \(A\).

10. Let \(f\) be holomorphic on a region \(A\) and let \(\gamma\) be a circle with radius \(R\) and center \(z_{0}\) that lies in \(A\). Assume that the disc \(\{z:|z-z_{0}|


11. Find the maximum of \(|\mbox{sin}z|\) on \([0,2\pi]\times[0,2\pi]\).

12. Let \(f(z)=z^{2}+4z-1\) be defined on \(|z|\leq 1\). Show that the maximum modulus of \(f(z)\) over the region is \(6\).

13. If \(f\) is holomorphic in a closed region G bounded by a simple closed curve \(\gamma\) and \(f(z)\neq 0\) for all \(z\in G\), prove that the modulus \(|f(z)|\) attains its minimum on \(\gamma\).

14. Let the function \(f\) be holomorphic in the entire complex plane and satisfy

\[\int_{0}^{2\pi}|f(re^{i\theta}|\,d\theta\leq r^{\frac{17}{3}}\]

for all \(r>0\). Prove that \(f\) is a zero function.

### 3.9 Laurent Expansion and Singularities

#### Uniformly Convergent Series and Weierstrass’ M-test

Let \(S\) be a nonempty subset of \(\mathbb{C}\) and let \(\{f_{n}\}\) be a sequence of complex-valued functions defined on \(S\). We say \(\{f_{n}\}\) converges uniformly to \(f\) on \(S\) if

\[d_{n}:=\sup\Big{\{}|f_{n}(z)-f(z)|:z\in S\Big{\}}\to 0\quad\mbox{ as }n\to\infty.\]

As usual, we say \(\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}u_{k}(z)\) converges uniformly on \(S\) if the sequence of partial sums \(f_{n}=u_{1}+u_{2}+\dots+u_{n}\) converges uniformly on \(S\). Fortunately, there is one easy sufficient condition for uniform convergence of series, called the Weierstrass M-test (see Section 2.3).

**Theorem 143** (Weierstrass M-test).: _The series \(\sum u_{k}\) converges uniformly on \(S\) if there exist real numbers \(M_{k}\) such that for all \(k\in\mathbb{N}\)_

\[|u_{k}(z)|\leq M_{k}\quad\text{for all $z\in S$ \ and \ $\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}M_{k}$ converges.}\]

The proof of this theorem is very similar to the one we gave in Chapter 2. We invoke the fact that \(\mathbb{C}\) is complete, thus a sequence \(\{z_{n}\}\) converges if and only if it is a Cauchy sequence.

The next theorem is about the relationship between the radius of convergence of a power series and uniform convergence.

**Theorem 144**.: _Let \(\sum c_{k}z^{k}\) be a complex power series with a radius of convergence \(R>0\). Then \(\sum c_{k}z^{k}\) converges uniformly on any closed disc \(\overline{D}(0;R-\epsilon)\) for any \(\epsilon>0\) (Figure 3.40)._


: Recall that if \(\sum c_{k}z^{k}\) has a radius of convergence \(R\), then \(\sum c_{k}z^{k}\) converges absolutely for all \(|z|

\[|c_{k}z^{k}|\leq M_{k}:=|c_{k}|(R-\epsilon)^{k}\quad\text{since $|z|\leq R- \epsilon

Therefore \(\sum M_{k}\) converges by the above fact and thus \(\sum c_{k}z^{k}\) converges uniformly on any curve \(\gamma=\gamma(0;r)\) where \(0\leq r

**Remark 77**.: Note that in general \(\sum c_{k}z^{k}\) does not converge uniformly on \(D(0;R)\). Consider the geometric series \(\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}z^{k}\), where \(R=1\). For \(|z|<1\),


Figure 3.40: Pointwise convergence versus uniform convergencewhich converges pointwise to \(f(z)=\dfrac{1}{1-z}\). However, the convergence is not uniform. To see this, consider

\[d_{n}:=\sup\left\{|f_{n}(z)-f(z)|:|z|<1\right\}=\sup\left\{\left| \dfrac{1-z^{n+1}}{1-z}-\dfrac{1}{1-z}\right|:|z|<1\right\}\\ =\sup\left\{\left|\dfrac{z^{n+1}}{1-z}\right|:|z|<1\right\}\geq \sup\left\{\dfrac{x^{n+1}}{1-x}:0\leq x<1\right\}.\]

maximum modulus theorem illustration



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