The Ultimate Math Formula: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe with Euler’s Formula

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Note that _Euler’s formula_

\[e^{\pi i}+1=0\]

connects the five most important constants of mathematics, symbolizing the four major branches of classical mathematics:

* Arithmetic represented by \(0\) and \(1\)
* Algebra by \(i\)
* Geometry by \(\pi\)
* Analysis by \(e\)

This formula also contains three of the most important operations: addition, multiplication, and exponentiation.

### Geometry in the Complex Plane

Many subsets of \(\mathbb{C}\) that appear repeatedly later on are described below.

* For \(z,w\in\mathbb{C}\), the _line segment_ with end points \(z\) and \(w\) is given by \[[z,\ w]=\{(1-t)z+tw:\quad 0\leq t\leq 1\}.\]
* The _real axis_ can be given by any of the following equations:

Similarly, the imaginary axis can be described as \(\operatorname{Re}z=0\) or \(|z-1|=|z+1|\) (Figure 3.4).

Figure 3.3: Some complex numbers




In order to understand the above property we examine the complex exponential function in detail later in Section 3.4.

### Arithmetic of Complex Numbers

The real part of a complex number \(z=a+ib\) is \(a\) and is denoted by \(\operatorname{Re}z\), and the number \(b\) is called the imaginary part of \(z\) and is denoted by \(\operatorname{Im}z\). For example, \(\operatorname{Re}(3+2i)=3\) and \(\operatorname{Im}(1-5i)=-5\). Two complex numbers are considered equal if and only if their real and imaginary parts are equal, that is,

\[a+bi=c+di\quad\text{if and only if}\quad a=c\quad\text{and}\quad b=d.\]

Complex numbers are added, subtracted, and multiplied in accordance with the standard rules of algebra but with \(i^{2}=-1\):

\[(a+bi)+(c+di) =(a+c)+(b+d)i,\] \[(a+bi)-(c+di) =(a-c)+(b-d)i,\] \[(a+bi)(c+di) =(ac-bd)+(ad+bc)i.\]

Also note that if \(b=0\), then the multiplication formula simplifies to


The product of a complex number \(z=a+bi\) and its _conjugate_\(\overline{z}=a-ib\) is a non-negative real number:


Note that complex conjugate of \(z\) in the polar form \(z=re^{i\theta}\) is \(\overline{z}=re^{-i\theta}\). You will recognize that


is the length of the vector corresponding to \(z\); we call this length the _modulus_ (or absolute value) of \(z\) and denote it by \(|z|\). For example the modulus of \(z=-4-5i\) is \(|z|=\sqrt{(-4)^{2}+(-5)^{2}}=\sqrt{41}\).

If \(z\neq 0\), then the _reciprocal_ (or multiplicative inverse) of \(z\) is denoted by \(1/z\) (or \(z^{-1}\)) and is defined by the property


This equation has a unique solution for \(1/z\), which can be obtained by multiplying both sides by \(\overline{z}\) and using the fact \(z\overline{z}=|z|^{2}\). This yields the expression

\[\frac{1}{z}=\frac{\overline{z}}{|z|^{2}}.\]If \(z_{2}\neq 0\), then the _division_\(z_{1}/z_{2}\) is defined as the product of \(z_{1}\) and \(1/z_{2}\), and thus

\[\frac{z_{1}}{z_{2}}=\frac{\overline{z_{2}}}{|z_{2}|^{2}}z_{1}=\frac{z_{1} \overline{z_{2}}}{|z_{2}|^{2}}.\]

Note that the expression on the right-hand side of the above equation can be viewed as both the numerator and denominator of \(z_{1}/z_{2}\) multiplied by \(\overline{z_{2}}\).

**Example 96**.: Let \(z_{1}=3+4i\) and \(z_{2}=1-2i\). To find \(z_{1}/z_{2}\) we will multiply the numerator and denominator of \(z_{1}/z_{2}\) by \(\overline{z_{2}}\).

\[\frac{z_{1}}{z_{2}} =\frac{z_{1}\overline{z_{2}}}{z_{2}\overline{z_{2}}}=\frac{3+4i} {1-2i}\frac{1+2i}{1+2i}\] \[=\frac{3+6i+4i+8i^{2}}{1-4i^{2}}\] \[=\frac{-5+10i}{5}\] \[=-1+2i.\]

The following identities hold for all \(z,w\in\mathbb{C}\):

1. \(\overline{\overline{z}}=z\).
2. \(\operatorname{Re}z=\frac{z+\overline{z}}{2}\) and \(\operatorname{Im}z=\frac{z-\overline{z}}{2i}\).
3. \(|\overline{z}|=|z|\).
4. \(|z|^{2}=z\cdot\overline{z}\).
5. \(\overline{zw}=\overline{z}\cdot\overline{w}\).
6. \(\overline{z+w}=\overline{z}+\overline{w}\).

**Remark.** The set of complex numbers, denoted \(\mathbb{C}\), form a field; in fact, the complex numbers are an _algebraically complete_ field, meaning that every polynomial with complex coefficients has a complex root. In fact, we have the following important theorem.

**Theorem 120**.: _(Fundamental Theorem of Algebra) Every polynomial of degree \(n\) with complex coefficients has \(n\) complex roots, counted with multiplicity._

For the proof we refer the reader to Theorem 137 in Section 3.8 below.

The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra is an existence theorem and does not tell you a method for finding zeros. For polynomials of degree \(2\), quadratic formula gives the zeros explicitly. Similar but more complicated formulas exist for polynomials of degree \(3\) and \(4\). No such formulas exist for polynomials of degree \(5\) and higher. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra fails in \(\mathbb{R}\). This difference accounts for the differences between operators defined real and complex vector spaces.

### Products and Powers; de Moivre’s Theorem

There are certain polynomials which occur repeatedly in complex analysis. It is essential to became familiar with these polynomials and the location of their roots. First notice that the polar form of a nonzero complex number of the _exponential form_


enables us to multiply two complex numbers, say \(z=r(\cos\theta+i\sin\theta)\) and \(w=\rho(\cos\psi+i\sin\psi)\). We have

\[z\,w=r\,\rho[(\cos\theta+i\sin\theta)\,(\cos\psi+i\sin\psi)]=r\rho\cos(\theta+ \psi)+ir\rho\sin(\theta+\psi)\]

by the standard trigonometric formulas, thus


This implies in particular that \(\left|z\,w\right|=\left|z\right|\left|w\right|\). Let \(z=re^{i\theta}\) and \(n\) be a natural number, then from the above and a routine proof by induction, we obtain


In the special case \(r=1\) we obtain _de Moivre’s theorem_:

mathematical equations



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